1579 Olive Branch Parke Ln. Ste. 130
Greenwood, IN 46143
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Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm*
Holiday Hours:
Closed Thanksgiving Day
Closed Fri, Nov. 25 - Sun, Nov. 27
*Closed one hour for lunch from noon to 1 pm
What services are provided at this location?
We have a number of services available at OrthoIndy Center Grove.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
For clinic appointments, please bring the following items with you to your next appointment:
Photo ID
Insurance card
List of medications and dosage (do not bring medication with you)
X-rays, MRI and CT scans that may be applicable to your appointment
Failure to bring these requested items may result in your appointment being rescheduled.
A parent or legal guardian must accompany minors under the age of 18.
Do I need to make an appointment for an Urgent Care visit?
You do not need to make an appointment for an Urgent Care visit. Check in at the front desk and let them know you are here for an urgent care visit. Please bring the following to your visit:
Where do I go for my appointment?
OrthoIndy Center Grove is located off State Road 135 and 800 N.
- Take State Road 135 (County Road 300 W).
- Turn onto 800 N/450 W.
- Turn right onto Olive Branch Parke Lane.
- Go through Ste. 100.